small kimono journals aka the little siblings

Last weekend was Helsinki Book Fair weekend and while it’s always fun to be surrounded by books and meet (new) friends, it also drains so much energy even though I’m there without any commitments or obligations. This week is my recovery week, meaning I’m spending my time mostly alone and mostly at home. Yesterday was dedicated to finishing a small lot of small kimono journals I promised you. They turned out absolutely darling.


Flexible but not at all floppy covers! Gorgeous vintage kimono fabric! (This one’s my personal favourite…)


You can now find these books in the Paperiaarre shop. There are only two of the larger ones left, so if you’re into larger notebooks and love the kimono silk designs, do be quick. Well, be quick in any case, as these smaller ones are just as rare and unique as the large.


Winter is definitely coming and my fingers are freezing as I write this in my kitchen. New creative projects are lurking somewhere in my brain, but I also need to reserve time for editing my poetry manuscript. At times I’m absolutely torn between my two passions and this really is a balancing act. Today I’ll head out to the writers’ villa and immerse myself in that stack of poems that hopefully becomes a book one day. What next in bookbinding? Not at all sure…