I adore buttons. My collection is pretty massive, so I try to break it down and share just a bit at a time. This post features a big part of my collection of buttons, hooks and eyes, and snaps that are still on their original cards.
Koh-i-noors from Czechoslovakia with Swedish, French, and German text.
Above you see the back side of those lovely white linen buttons sewn onto a black card. What a gorgeous label, don't you think?
Tiny linen buttons. I've made a few buttons like this myself, a long, long, time ago, but they were nowhere near this small or intricate.
This long strip of metal buttons is one of my cherished finds from the Spitalfields Antique Market. The reverse is equally lovely (if not more).
I wonder if Florence will be kind to us and brings more treasures like these to my path. I really hope so - there's always room for more vintage buttons!