Last week I promised you some blurry snapshots and double exposures, and I'm delivering both! Also a race with a pig, which is something I doubt you were expecting.
You may remember my great grandaunt Saima's husband Emil was a prolific amateur photographer in the early decades of the 20th century. Before I've shared his photo albums, and here are some of his cast off negatives obviously deemed worth not developing into photos for one reason or another. I got a bunch scanned in 2012, and just recently got round to the rest. The pig race alone was worth the trouble!
Emil's negatives from early 1900s finally scanned -
That's my great great grandfather hiding in the bushes of this double exposed photo!
Saima emerging from the left, and that might be her youngest brother racing with the pig.
My blurry great great grandfather Johan sporting a vest and a pocket watch.
I'm more used to spotting Saima in Emil's photos, but I'm guessing this is Saima's sister Ester, my great grandmother. Saima was the pretty one of the two.
That's it with Emil's photos, at least for now! You can view the rest of this lot here and the earlier scans here.
Do you have a treasure trove of old family photos? Share your favourites with me, won't you? Write an email or tag me on Instagram or Twitter @paperiaarre. I recently got a lovely email from a reader who shared with me an old photo of her mother she had coloured after seeing my Seamstress of the Year piece that has a tinted photo, and that email just made my day.
Lots of love,