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WIP: part IV

First of all, Thank you all for your lovely comments, emails, Etsy convos and orders! What an amazing response! (I should get featured more often :D)

After last weekend I've packaged and shipped numerous orders, celebrated my second wedding anniversary, had a terrible migraine, realized that I'm leaving for the honeymoon trip in no time and worked hard on my WIP book (+a custom order).

I'm decorating the book with back-pared leather on-lays. Here I'm cutting pebbles from the number three colored leather (that would be dark gray).

And here's a part of the title. Feel free to think I'm crazy, but that doesn't change the fact that these letters are 6mm (0.2") tall.

All pebbles cut. I like puzzles too.

All pieces glued to the cover leather. I've already pared the edges and hinge area, but apparently didn't take photos.

I've finished the back-paring and removed the papers from the on-lays.

Here's the almost finished cover leather. Like some of you may remember the book is called "Musta kivi valkoisen päällä" which roughly translated means "a black rock on top of the white one". That's why there's one pebble made of vellum and one made from black leather. I'll be blind tooling "César Vallejo" in between them at a later stage.