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Rain rain rain go away

It's been raining cats, dogs and small giraffes. Friday wasn't that bad, but I'm still a bit under the weather myself. Yesterday was a productive and tiring day; I finished the perfect dress I spent my Friday night dyeing fabric for. No photos this time due to dark days and the lazy photographer. As soon as I find myself in a situation where there isn't a terrible rush I'll snap a whole series of photos of all the things I've managed to finish without even realizing that not all my time has gone to waste.
Things really aren't as bad as they may sound; I'm just a little sad about my job at the library ending soon and having to go through all the job searching stuff once again. I knew it was just a six-month-job, but I love working in the library. I don't even hate the angry customers! Well, you never know if my next job is the dream job, so I should stop whining and go eat some cake or something. The summer just went by too fast. All of a sudden the leaves are falling and you can't go out without your coat. I even bought a knitted beret to keep my ears warm in the coming weeks. (Well, not all the coming weeks, as there's only a little over a week till our two-week-trip to Gozo, where it should be warm and sunny.)

The wip book is finished. I'm still working on a clamshell box for it. You'll get to see them both before I take a little time off from blogging. That's a promise.

Since I now left you without photos I'll give you a link. A strange video. I like strange. But you knew that already. If you want to know something new, just ask. Let's play. Ask five questions about me. You can ask anything you want, I promise I'll answer at least one of your questions if not more.