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mixed media monday - watch case pendants

mixed media watch case pendants by Kaija Rantakari, 2016 - Time for fair and lovely things! Also, I just realised this is my 700th blog post! It's surprisingly easy to forget I've been doing all this for over 9 years! I'm so patting myself on the back for this accomplishment.

mixed media watch case pendants by Kaija Rantakari, 2016 -

This trio of vintage watch case pendants is the result of me trying to be less precious with my beautiful raw materials. Mission accomplished, this time! I've been hanging on to these watch cases for long enough now, and the funny thing about it is that I've known all along what I want to make with them. It just took a little (or lots of) creative advice dished out by the fab Jealous Curator on her ART FOR YOUR EAR podcast (I've been binge listening, so I have no idea which episode pushed me into movement - I recommend each and every episode!) before I could take on the task of putting these pendants together.

A lucky lady already bought the middle one off my Instagram, but the other two will be available later today in the Paperiaarre shop. Still in time to arrive by Christmas, hint, hint...

mixed media watch case pendants by Kaija Rantakari, 2016 -

mixed media watch case pendants by Kaija Rantakari, 2016 -

"together is found here in great quantities"

Couldn't be more true! - I'm fully taken over by some year-end sugary-syrupy gratefulness for all the togetherness you've shown me this past year. While all that sugar doesn't generally fit my personality, I'm just going to embrace it. This year has been the best of all the nine Paperiaarre years. Thank you, my loves!

mixed media watch case pendants by Kaija Rantakari, 2016 -

Usually this time of the year I've been hard at work on the non-Christmassy advent calendar - always enjoying it, but usually also struggling with the sheer volume of work to be done in a very limited time (yeah, yeah, I could just manage my time better and start earlier, but that's just not something I'm able to do). Creating these watch case pendants satisfied my desire to work small, and it was also very rewarding to have a December project be done within mere days of starting it. Selfish, selfish! I refuse to feel guilty about it, though. I find my best work gets done when I enjoy making it the most, so basically you directly benefit from my selfishness, too.

mixed media watch case pendants by Kaija Rantakari, 2016 -

I wish you all lots of laughter and nonsense this December Monday! Have great week, make stuff, love more!