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mixed media non-bling jewelry

mixed media jewelry made with vintage photos and tins -

When I was planning my exhibition that took place in February 2015 I had the idea of showing some mixed media jewelry as a part of it. Unfortunately that didn't happen (but other nice things did). I just couldn't come up with a display option that would work with the tiny jewelry and the big space, so I was left with a couple random pieces of jewelry I've never listed for sale thinking maybe I'll figure out a way to get them on display somewhere at a later date. However, at the moment these pieces are available (click your way to my shop). So, I'm not saying an exhibition with jewelry won't happen ever, but I think I'll have time to create new pieces for that show if such show happens to ever take place. If you have ideas how to display jewelry/other tiny work in a way that's relatively secure but would allow pieces removed and handled without much difficulty when needed (I'd really like to avoid bringing glass into the picture), I'd really appreciate advice for future reference.

Most of these pieces I'm sharing today re-surfaced as I was preparing for a local Christmas market, some I made especially for it. Some others I sold there before I remembered to take photos, which is quite typical of me. They went to good homes, so I'm not displeased. I'm very pleased to have my memory refreshed about the older pieces, too, as I'm quite happy with all of these. My own personal favourite is the hat lady with heaps of beading. What's yours?

mixed media necklace made with vintage photo and tin -

make believe filled the air

(vintage tin, vintage photo, cut-up vintage text, freshwater pearls, flat head pins, vintage silk thread, thread, adjustable cord)

Even though I mainly focus on bookbinding and mixed media boxes/collages I have a soft spot for making jewelry (

these brooches are among my favourites

) and I'd like to make a lot more in the future. I've never really been fascinated by the traditional jewelry making techniques (I've certainly done my fair part of beading, but it was the meditative nature of beading that interested me, not the end results), but I can imagine having ended up a goldsmith in some other life. The fine motor skills are not that different from craft to craft and I do love torturing myself with



mixed media brooch made with vintage photo and tin -

"I can't help it; I've had such a strange dream."

(vintage tin, vintage photo, cut-up vintage text, pin)

mixed media brooch made with vintage photo and tin -

(vintage tin, vintage photo, vintage beads, thread, pin)

mixed media brooch made with vintage photo and tin -

The difficulty to think at the end of day

(vintage tin, vintage photo, cut-up vintage text, pin)

Creating this untraditional type of jewelry allows me to combine my love for vintage materials, recycling - maybe that should say upcycling if I wanted to be trendier - and making very small pieces of art. I don't wear much jewelry (mostly earrings and some silver mid-century modern pieces), but if I did, I'd wear these sorts of things as the focal point of my mostly black outfit (black because of sensory convenience, not because of seriousness). Apart from the obvious aesthetic appeal these vintage-y pieces have, I like how light the old tins, papers and fabrics are. This is like statement jewelry for the slightly shy without the weight statement pieces often have, and mostly without the statement, too, unless your statement is understated beautiful.

mixed media textile brooch made with vintage photo and freshwater pearls -

(vintage photo transferred onto linen, black linen, freshwater pearls, thread, cardboard, pin)

mixed media textile necklace with embroidered poetry and freshwater pearls -

mixed media textile necklace with embroidered poetry and freshwater pearls -

pidän sinua pitelemässä minua / I hold you holding me

mitä tahansa muuta / whatever else

(vintage 38mm coin holder, linen, artificial silk thread, mica, freshwater pearls, vintage chain)

These reversible pendants were featured here earlier

as a work in progress.

I just cut my hair shorter again, so I can finally take full advantage of dangly earrings (there were some months of earring confusion with chin-length hair). To celebrate my regained ability I should probably treat myself to a pair of earrings of my own making. I've never made anything but beaded earrings, so this should be interesting. Thinking cap goes on...