Greens and whatnots
This is my 100th blog post! I thought I would write a special post with lots of pictures of things I've made, but Blogger got cranky and I got tired with Blogger, so there are no pictures of my work. Just some things that have made me really, really happy this weekend!
When I walked home from work yesterday afternoon I noticed something that wasn't there in the morning. It was the wonderful scent of bird cherry! The flowers were really tiny then, but you can see some of them in the photo I took today. Spring has come so fast! It wasn't even two weeks ago that I was still wearing my winter coat (which isn't the warmest imaginable, but still...) and now everything is green. Today it was +26C (78.8F), and for me that's hot!
Here's a part of our balcony. Today we bought some tomatoes and some vine that's going to have blue flowers if we don't kill it first. The plants need bigger pots and more water.
We celebrated the grand opening of balcony season by having breakfast, dinner and whatnots right there in the sun. I baked cupcakes, or was it muffins, and they were great. (Oh dear, can someone explain the difference?) I finished two embroidered brooches too!
And now I remember that I have completely forgotten to let you know that I had a shop update the other day. (Well, I'm obviously not my usual self, but at least I'm happy.) You can find more pencil cases, books and embroidered brooches in the shop. There are also two new light colorways in the books of good things! Seems like a ton of things has happened during my blog absence.