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Charmfoundry & moving & pouches

I got lovely mail again. Everything was so pretty I needed to take pictures even before opening things up. (I've seen before that other people do that, but usually I'm too excited to leave things unpacked for a couple of minutes.) My postcard and magnet order from Charmfoundry arrived really quickly and it caused some squeals of joy. I hope these cards can soon be a part of our new home decor. We just need to find the new home first. We're going to go see two apartments today. Keep your fingers crossed for us! (I really don't want to move again, but there's no way we're staying here because of a massive plumbing renovation coming.)

Edit: We loved the first apartment, I really hope we get it. We'll see the other in an half an hour, I hope it's nothing close to the first, so we don't have to choose. That is, if we get the first one. I'm so excited!

Edit no 2: The second one was lovely too. A lot different, but lovely anyway. Both apartments have wide window sills. I would be more than happy live in either one. Now we just have to wait and hope for the best...

And here's the first batch of finished linen pouches. I have already made a couple more with birds, and I'm planning to make some more out of the fair trade cotton.