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Anthropologie strikes again

Dear Anthro, 

I'm extremely disappointed in you. It's not the first time I've been disappointed after hearing you've copied the work of an independent designer, but it's the first time it's my work that you've copied.

So, yeah, I'm not in the cheeriest of moods today. I was just browsing Pinterest and noticed someone had tagged my book #Anthro. It took me a little while to understand what was going on after I clicked through to Anthropologie's site. It was really an Anthro journal. I had risen to the level where my work is cool enough to be copied by Anthropologie. (Yay! Not.)

By Anthropologie: 

By yours truly, that is, by Paperiaarre:


Sold on Etsy, Nov 23, 2013


I realize both linen and gold are generic elements, but I still can't find it in me to believe this is a coincidence. Anthropologie and its owner Urban Outfitters are notorious for copying indie designers (visit this blog post here, just for one example!), and it feels there's nothing I can do about this. I've sent a cease and desist e-mail, pointing out the copying and asking to stop selling these journals that are clearly based on my creative work, but that's pretty much all I can do on my own. I haven't got the money or the health to lawyer up against a big company, so all I can do is ask you guys to please share this blog post, contact Anthro and ask them to quit this ridiculousness, and boycott them (if you don't already)!

<3 Kaija

PS. I've got a good handful of gilt journals ready for listing tonight and tomorrow, so, if you'd like to own one that's not a rip-off by Anthro, stop by at Paperiaarre and support an independent creative individual.

[EDIT: The issue is now resolved and Anthro withdraws their books from sale.]